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World Cup Word of the Day: Sweeper-keeper

plan BEach day during the 2014 World Cup the languagecaster team explains a key word or phrase for learners of English in our World Cup Language posts. Today, we focus on the phrase ‘sweeper-keeper‘. Why not try our World Cup Word Quiz, too, to see how well you know your football language!

World Cup Phrase – Sweeper-keeper

Many football commentators and fans were impressed with German goalkeeper Manuel Neuer’s performance for Germany in the World Cup second round match against Algeria. As the German side played a high defensive line the goalkeeper played like a sweeper behind the defence meaning that he came out of his penalty area on many occasions to stop Algerian counter attacks. He played like an extra outfield player at times leading to the coining of the phrase ‘sweeper-keeper‘, a keeper that plays like a sweeper.

  • Example: Manuel Neuer played the role of sweeper-keeper to perfection in the game against Algeria in the World Cup match against Algeria.

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