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Poll: Which teams will be promoted from the Championship this season?

The Championship, England’s second division of football, kicks off this week and we would like you to predict the teams you think will be promoted to play in next year’s Premier League. Make three selections from the poll below or add another team if it has not already been included. Don’t forget to leave a comment below.

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Further reading

Newspaper Headline: Christmas No 1

Newspaper Headlines: Christmas No 1

In this football language post we explain the newspaper headline, 'Christmas No 1' from the Independent newspaper about Liverpool being top

Newspaper Headline: Jeepers Keepers

Newspaper Headlines: Jeepers Keepers

Jeepers Keepers: In this football language post we explain the newspaper headline, 'Jeepers Keepers' from the Daily Telegraph newspaper about the...

Snakes bite

Newspaper Headline: Snakes bite

In this football language post we explain the newspaper headline, 'Snakes bite' from the Guardian newspaper about England's win over Ireland in the...