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Week 1: Main Report

On this week’s main report from languagecaster’s podcast we find out from an Arsenal fan what he thinks of his team’s chances this season. The transcript from the interview is below while you can listen by clicking here.

Listen to this week’s show here



DF: Now we have got Andy who is an Arsenal season ticket holder. We’re going to be looking forward to the 2009-2010 season. Andy, how are you doing?

Andy: I am doing very well thank you.

DF: Good stuff and what are your hopes for the 2010 season for the Arsenal?

Andy: I am hoping that some of the players who’ve been coming through in the last couple of years start to play or get a regular place in the team and start to make an impression. I think we are really looking for a solid performance where we don’t get too many injuries ‘cos injuries has been a problem for the team, haven’t had the strength in depth to weather the storm of injuries, throughout the season.

DF: So, for example, who should we be looking out for in the upcoming season?

Andy: I think the players to watch for will be Arshavin annd Walcott, I think they are going to be awesome this year and Fabregas is always great.

DF: That’s a nice trio of players there for you. How about Arsène Wenger, there are a few rumours going around about a little bit of unrest? Fans still trust in Arsène, don’t they?

Andy: Yes, I think they do, very much so. When you sit in the stadium, you know, you forever hear ‘There’s only one Arsène Wenger’, you know, and it goes around the stadium on a regular basis. I think people still have faith and there’s… I’ve not heard that much criticism against him and I think that’s mainly more in the media… journalists tend to pick up on some poor performances and say, well, it’s down to the manager but sometimes it’s circumstances as well.

DF: So you are pretty hopeful for this year, can you… can you give us a prediction?

Andy: I think… unfortunately, I think we are going to be top 4 in the Premiership. As for winning the Premiership or getting some silverware, I don’t know, hope for the best but I think going back to what I said before, was… the injury problem and having some consistency in the team, some of the players are… have a tendency to be very inconsistent and perhaps that’s their age.

DF: And if Arsenal weren’t to win the title, which team do you think would be Premier League champions in 2010?

Andy: I think it’s going to be between Manchester United and Chelsea again, I’m not sure Liverpool can maintain their run they had last year.

Listen to the interview here


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