Below is a list of listening reports called ‘the language of…’ in which we focus on the words and phrases from one area of the game, so for example, the language of transfers, the language of offside, the language of referees, the language of diving, as well as language about different positions on the pitch. All these reports have an audio file, a transcript and some vocabulary support with many of them also having worksheets with answers – great for testing out your knowledge of football words and phrases. Don’t forget, that we also have hundreds of explanations about other kinds of football language in our football glossary. If you have questions or comments about this or any other phrase then email us at:
Football Language Quiz: Irish Football Stars-To help you better understand this listening practice we have some questions on key vocab...
On this week's main listening report we look at relegation and the language used to describe it.
On today's football language listening post we look at some words and phrases connected to when a team is knocked out of a cup competition - the language of elimination.
On today's football language listening post we look at some words and phrases connected to creating chances in football and in particular the verbs, 'to fashion'; 'to set up' and 'to conjure up'.
5 questions about football derbies: There are many derbies being played around the world this weekend so we thought we'd look at rivalries...
The Language of Postponements and Cancellations: In this football language post we explain some of the language connected to postponements and cancellations...
March the 24th 2016 saw the passing of one of the greatest footballers ever - Johan Cruyff. To remember this great player, this week's listening practice report is an adapted report from our archives. The post was originally published on May 1, 2011 as part of our World Cup Stars series. You can find explanations of key vocabulary (in bold) at the end of the post. You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the file below - you can also subscribe and listen to all our football-language podcasts - there are hundreds of them!
Crossword: The language of passing and tackling
Quiz: The Language of Football Passes - How much do you know about the language of passing in football? What's a 'one-two'? How about a 'hospital pass' and is there such a thing as a '50-50 pass'? Try our quiz below and find out about different types of phrases to use when describing passes.
For this week's listening report, we focus on the language of the run in, the end of the season when the title race is decided.
This week's listening report is the language of misses. In football the aim is to score goals, but more often than not, a shot will miss, not find the net.
Foreign Words in English Football: A brief description of some of the foreign Words in English Football
The Language of Diving: This listening report examines the language used to talk about diving.
The Language of Predictions: On this report we feature some of the language Damian and Damon use when describing football predictions.
This week's main report discusses some of the language of referees.
Setting up goals: Last week, we looked at the language of scoring goals and this week we continue, but we focus on how to describe setting up the goal.
On this week's main report we look at one of the key positions on the football pitch: the goalkeeper
On this week's main listening report we focus on some of the language that is used with one of the most controversial rules of the game: offside.
You can check out our huge list of football language in our glossary of footballing phrases here. If you have any suggestions, contact us at