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football language

Football Language: Confederation

confederation: In this football language post we explain the term 'Confederation' which are the organisations in charge of governing...

Super Cup

Football Language: Super Cup

In this post on the language of football, we explain the meaning of 'Super Cup', which is a competition played between the winners of the...

football language

Football Language: UEFA

UEFA: This short football language post explains the meaning of 'UEFA' which is the organisation that takes care of football in Europe

Football Language Podcast

…when football was born

I hope that Chelsea won't get to the UEFA Champions League final because it would be the victory of speculative football against wonderful...

Football Language Podcast

Vocabulary: Week 10

Here are some words and phrases you can hear on languagecaster’s Full Podcast’s Good, Bad and Ugly section – a review of...

Football Language Podcast


Fairly happy with the away point at Upton Park at the weekend despite the missed penalty from former star and current Hammer hate-figure...