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Football Language Podcast

Football Glossary: Referee

Referee: The person who is in charge of the game, he or she controls the match ('The man in black' / 'The man in the middle')

Football Language Podcast

Week 23: Vocabulary

[print_link] Here are some words and phrases you can hear on this weeka€™s languagecastera€™s Good, Bad and Ugly section of the podcast...

Football Language Podcast

Week 18: Vocabulary

Here are some words and phrases you can hear on this weeka€™s languagecastera€™s Good, Bad and Ugly section of the podcast – a review...

Football Language Podcast

Week 16: Vocabulary

Here are some words and phrases you can hear on this week’s languagecaster’s Good, Bad and Ugly section of the podcast –...

Football Language Podcast

Vocabulary: Week 15

Here are some words and phrases you can hear on this week’s languagecaster’s Good, Bad and Ugly section of the podcast –...

Football Language Podcast

Vocabulary: Week 13

Here are some words and phrases you can hear on languagecaster’s Good, Bad and Ugly section of the podcast – a review of the...

Football Language Podcast

Vocabulary: Week 1 2008/9

Here are some words and phrases you can hear on languagecaster’s Full Podcast’s Good, Bad and Ugly section – a review of...