Here is the Guardian newspaper’s preview of the big north-west derby in England between Manchester United and Liverpool. We have provided a brief summary of the article at the start to help readers with comprehension, while vocabulary support for learners of English can be found at the foot of the post.
Background Information
The match between Liverpool and Manchester United is one of the ‘classics’ of the English game. The rivalry between the two clubs is fierce and is linked to geographical location and the fact that these two side are the most successful in domestic football in England. Both clubs have won the league title on a record 18 occasions, though Liverpool have not won it since 1990, and both teams have won an amazing 58 trophies each. The Spanish and Liverpool striker Fernando Torres has not had the best start to this season but in this article he stresses the importance of doing well against Manchester United and hopes to repeat the success his side had at Old Trafford (the home of Manchester United) in 2007.
There is a vocabulary list at the foot of this post to help with comprehension. Damon, a Liverpool fan, does not think his side will do well this weekend, what do you think, can Liverpool kick start their season and win at Old Trafford? See the rest of this week’s predictions from languagecaster here.
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he stresses the importance of: Torres really emphasises that it is important; it is very important indeed
Ahead of: Before the game
Merseyside: The area around Liverpool (The River Mersey runs through the city), used to describe Liverpool
An indifferent start to : The team has not started the season as well as they had hoped (but still not a disaster)
To ignite their campaign: To kick start their season, up until now the season has not been a good one but a win could help the team perform better
Stunning: Unbelievable; amazing (performance)
Pinpointed: To choose (specifically); to highlight, to point out
Biggest Threat: The most dangerous opponent
Stand out player: An important or very good player