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Should football continue with the drinks break?

After lockdown, football authorities introduced new measures and one of these is the drinks break. The reason that this change has been introduced is to protect players from the large amount of games in a short period of time and the fact that games are being played in summer time when temperatures are (supposedly) higher. However, these drinks breaks, which take place once in each half (around the mid-way point at 22 minutes), now mean that managers are using them to give instructions to their team – they have become like basketball time-outs! These tactical stops in the game are affecting the flow of a match, for example they can break the rhythm of a team who are doing well or maybe they can also help a struggling team to regain their shape or their form. One of the biggest worries for fans is that companies will look at the break as a way of adding even more advertising to the game.

What do you think of the drinks break? Should it continue next season? Should there be four quarters rather than two halves? Let us know by voting in our poll below. If you have questions or comments then you can email us at: and we can mention them on our podcast.

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