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Joined: Sep 23, 2015
Last seen: Jun 14, 2023
Last seen: Jun 14, 2023
2 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 313
RE: Use of the appostrove 's
I'm confused by the use of the possessive here. I saw the word 's used when reading this page. What does 's mean in this case? Manchester City’s K...
2 years ago
RE: Pick that out! Hug the ball/spank
Thanks a lot for the explanation. Could you also explain what "out" means in football context? I'd really like to understand it. Pick that out! It s...
2 years ago
2 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 291
RE: Charging/driving run
Thanks for the explanation.
2 years ago
RE: Take the ball down (on their chest)
Hello. Could you please explain the use of "would" in your sentence?
3 years ago
RE: would
Hi Damon thank you for the answer. So if there is only one option, then we use "is", right? But you said "you can use 'is' in these examples", it mean...
3 years ago
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