A list of football and language-learning web sites
Football sites
- BBC football All the latest news from the BBC football website
- ESPN soccernet The world’s site for the world game
- FIFA.com The official website of the world’s governing body
- UEFA.com Europe’s football website
- Kick It Out.org Organisation battling to Kick Racism out of Football
- Football Derbies All about football derbies
Newspaper sites (football)
- The Guardian Football Website
- The Daily Telegraph Football Website
- The Daily Mirror Football Website
Language-learning sites (for teachers)
- Using English Resources for English as a second language
- TES Teaching Resources from the Times Education
- Languagepoint.com Lots of great English and foreign-language resources for teachers
- ESL Gold.com Huge amount of English language resources for students and teachers
- The Internet TESOL Journal For teachers of English as a second language
- ESL Podcast sites A collection of some podcast sites for learners
- Breaking News English Podcasts and lesson plans
- ESL Teachers Board Free materials for ESL teachers
Language-learning sites (for learners)
- Using English (for students) Lots of resources for language learners
- BBC Learning English Learning football English with the BBC
Online Dictionaries
- Cambridge Online Dictionary Excellent online dictionary
- Dictionary.com Searches many online dictionaries for you
- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Lots of pictures and audio
Other Football Podcast sites
- BBC World Football Phone-in The best World Football podcast around (Tim Vickery)
- Football Weekly The Guardiana€™s Weekly Football Podcast
Other football sites
- FA.com The home of English football
- Soccerblogs A collection of the best soccer blogs around
- Hasta el gol siempre Everything you need to know about Argentinian football
Podcast Information
- Podcast Alley Collection of free podcasts
- Learn Out Loud Lots of free podcast links for learners of English
- Wikipedia: Podcast Information on podcasts from Wikipedia
Other Sites We Like
- Manonabeach This cool site simply asks the question ‘what does the beach mean to you?’