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Learn English Through Football Podcast: 2016 FA Cup 3rd Round

On this week’s learning English through football podcast we feature the 2016 English FA Cup third round. Damon takes a stroll down memory lane and looks back at the 1976 FA Cup final, while we feature the phrase ‘starting xi‘ and try to predict some of the big games from the FA Cup this weekend. As always, if you have ideas for a main report or a phrase for football that you would like explaining, let us know by contacting us with the link below.

Learn English Through Football Podcast: 2016 FA Cup 3rd Round

  • Listen only to the main report here – the transcript and vocabulary will help you understand key phrases and improve your language skills.
  • This week’s predictions feature games from the FA Cup Third Round
  • This week’s English for football phrase is ‘starting xi‘.
  • Check out our glossary of footballing phrases here. If you have any suggestions, contact us at

Listen to’s football podcast

FA Cup

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