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Learn English Through Football Podcast: Football in India

Learn English Through Football On this week’s Learning English Through Football Podcast we have our three regular features: a main report on the new Indian Super League, an explanation of a new football phrase – this week it is ‘back four‘, while we finish up with predictions from games in England, Italy, Spain and, of course, India.

Learn English Through Football: Football in India

  • Listen only to the main report here – the transcript and vocabulary will help you understand key phrases and improve your language skills. Some key words this week include: to draw someone in.
  • This week’s predictions feature big games from Italy, England, Spain, France and India

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Learn English Through Football

Welcome to the website that helps students interested in football improve their English language skills. Soccer fans can enhance these skills with lots of free language resources: a weekly podcast, football phrases, explanations of football vocabulary, football cliches, worksheets, quizzes and much more at

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  • I really don’t get over why India such a big country with a population of over 1 million of people is not good at football.I would like to see India in a world cup but as far as I know India football team is rubbish.Look at Uruguay that having just 3 million population have bunch of players playing around the world and above all have a great football team.Yet,They’ve been world cup champions once.Greetings from Peru all of you guys and I hope to see my team playing again in a world cup.It’s been so many years since we last played one.

    • Hello Raulito,
      Good to hear from you – some interesting comments indeed. I agree that it is a little strange to see not only India with over 1 billion people but also China with an even bigger population struggling to make any headway on the world football stage. I think your example of Uruguay is a really good one – how has such a small country been able to consistently produce top class players throughout the years? As for Peru, I am sure that they will return to the World Cup at some stage – do they have any good young players coming through? Who is the national team manager? How about Solano, would he ever think of becoming the national team manager?

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