Make Your Predictions – Links
- register here (it’s free)
- log in here (for registered users)
- and here are the matches!
Top Four
No data available.
How to play
- You will need to register or log in with your email – remember it is free to play.
- Click on the latest weekly predictions post to find each week’s games – click here.
- Fill in your predictions and click save – remember that you can change your scores right up to kick-off time.
- Check how you did by looking at the rankings here (both the overall and monthly rankings).
Scoring System
- Three points for a perfect score. For example, if you think Arsenal will beat Man United 1-0 and this is the exact final score then you receive three points.
- One point for the right result. For example, if the game between Liverpool and Southampton finishes 1-1 and you chose a different score but the right result (e.g. 0-0; 2-2 or 3-3) then you will receive 1 point.
NOTE: If you have already registered for our site dona€™t forget to click here to play on your user page (when you sign in).