The 2022 World Cup is about to start and once again the Languagecaster team is organising a Predictions Competition. You can play against Damon, Damian and lots of other football-language fans from around the world in Languagecaster’s 2022 World Cup predictions battle. Simply register or log in (for free) below and then add your scores – good luck! If you have any questions then you can contact us at
To play: You will need to register for the 2022 World Cup Predictions competition or you can log in here.
- To register: Create a username and add an email address.
- You will receive an email with information on how to create a password.
- Log in with your username and password.
- Fill in your predictions (below) and click save a€“ remember that you can change your scores right up to kick-off time.
- If you have lost your password then you can generate a new one. Or you can ask us here.
- Three points for a perfect score. For example, if you think hosts Qatar will beat Ecuador 2-0 in the opening game and this is the exact final score then you receive three points.
- One point for the right result. For example, if the game between England and Wales finishes 1-1 and you chose a different score but the right result (e.g. 0-0; 2-2 or 3-3) then you will receive 1 point.
- For knock-out games the scores are up to 90 minutes – not extra time.
- 1st place: A£30 book vouchers
- 2nd place: A£20 book vouchers
- 3rd place: A£10 book vouchers
- You can see other players’ predictions by clicking on their name in the ranking list (when logged in)
- You can also see other players’ predictions when you click on the ‘pie chart’ icon