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Football Language Podcast: 2022 World Cup Predictions – Mexico Fan

On this football language podcast for learners of English, we hear from some more football fans with their predictions for the 2022 World Cup and this week we have a fan from Mexico. We ask the team from Multilingua F.C. who they think will be the winners, the flops and the Golden Boot winner. You can read the transcript for this podcast below, while you can also check out our glossary of footballing phrases here and visit our site to access all our previous posts and podcasts – we have lots of World Cup resources too. If you have any suggestions or questions then you can contact us at

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Football Language Podcast: 2022 World Cup Predictions – Mexico Fan

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DF: Hello everyone and welcome to – the football-language podcast for learners of English who love the beautiful game of football. I’m Damian and I am one half of the Languagecaster team, regular listeners of the show will know that the other member of the team is Damon and he’s based in Tokyo in Japan. Now, we are two weeks away from the start of the 2022 World Cup and so on today’s podcast we will be hearing from a Mexican football fan from the Multilingua F.C. team and he will be telling us which teams he thinks will win, or will flop and also who will be the Golden Boot winner in this tournament.

Stinger: You are listening to (in Welsh)

DF: Now, that message was in Welsh and I wonder how many of the stingers that we use on today’s podcast you can recognise? Similar to last week’s podcast, they will all be from teams that have qualified for this year’s tournament and we’ll let you know what they are at the end of the show.

Stinger: You are listening to (in Japanese)

DF: Yes, you are listening to – do you know what language that was? We’ll let you know at the end of the show.

Stinger: You are listening to (in German)

DF: Right, here’s Sergio from the Multilingua F.C. team who is going to give us his predictions on the winners, flops and Golden Boot winner in the 2022 World Cup.

Mexico fan: Sergio

They [France] are suffering a lot of injuries right now,

Sergio: Hello languagecaster friends. This is Sergio Duran from Multilingua F.C. And I would like to share with you my predictions for this World Cup. I think it’s a very different World Cup, not just because it is played in December, well, November and December, but also because, well, many of the European leagues are in the middle of the year. So… some of the players are not going to be in good shape, I guess. Anyway, my predictions. I think… the final is going to be played, listen to this prediction, it’s going to be played between the Netherlands and Brazil. The Netherlands are… in a… in a group, I think the Netherlands group stage is going to be quite easy because they are in Qatar’s group and the other two teams are not so strong. And because they are, or they were, seeded or they were part of Qatar’s group… the path to the final is easier than… than, I mean, than other… other countries, I think. Brazil, well, they are in great shape and I think they’re going to do really well and I think that’s going to be the final. And this time I’m going to go for the Netherlands, I think. They have played three finals in their history. They’ve got a very solid squad. This time they have a great defender like Virgil van Dijk and van Gaal, you know, he’s always there, he’s always playing finals. So I think it’s going to be a kind of surprise for many people, not for me, not for you because you’re listening to me.

And the disappointment? I think it’s going to be France. They are suffering a lot of injuries right now, you know, Pogba is not gonna’ play the World Cup. Rafa Varane’s isn’t gonna’ play there. And think of what has happened to the last three champions, to the last three champions of the world in the following World Cup. Spain didn’t do really well [2014]. Germany didn’t do really well [2018]. And Italy in South Africa [2010] didn’t do really well either; didn’t even qualify to the knockout stages. So I think that’s going to happen.

And the top scorer, I think Neymar is going to be the top scorer because Brazil has a quite easy group stage. So I think Neymar is going to score many goals there. He’s going to become the top scorer. But again, my prediction is that the Netherlands are going to be the champions of the world this time. Thank you, Languagecaster friends. See you next time.

DF: Thank you so much to Sergio and to the @Multilingua F.C. team for that prediction. Sergio mentioned the phrase ‘suffering a lot of injuries’ which means that the French side are weakened as many of the stars will not be playing in the World Cup due to injuries. Sergio also used the phrase ‘the path to the final’ when describing the Dutch side’s chances. The path to the final describes the route to the final; how a team gets to the final match – it describes which teams they will possibly face en route to the final. So, he thinks the Netherlands will finally lift the World Cup after being losing finalists (or runners-up) on three previous occasions – what do you think? Let us know and drop us a line or record your own predictions and send it on to us at

Stinger: You are listening to (In Korean)

Football Question: Desmarque de ruptura

DF: Now, on last week’s show we talked about the phrases, ‘desmarque de ruptura‘ and ‘desmarque de apoyo‘ and we have received another comment from wilson2103 on our forum who wrote:

‘… it’s the action a forward does when he receives a through pass. So, suppose there are two forwards: forward 1 and forward 2. Initially, both are behind the defenders, forward 1 has the ball and forward 2 runs ahead of the defenders getting closer to the goal, then forward 2 receives the ball without being offside. But if he runs too quickly, he will be offside. Basically, forward 2 breaks the defender’s line. So, yeah it’s to lose the marker but in a special case.’

Desmarque de apoyo

‘In this case, forward 1 wants to pass the ball but he didn’t see anyone free of a marker, so forward 2 gets close to forward 1, so they can receive easily the pass. So, forward 2 is trying to help forward 1.’


DF: Amazing stuff! Thank you so much wilson2103 for this description – it’s been great to help out different listeners with these phrases and if there’s any other football language phrases that you want to ask about or discuss then come along to the site or to our forum. You can also send us an email at and look out for us on Facebook, Twitter and of course Instagram.

Stinger: You are listening to (in Iranian).

DF: Yes, you are listening to languagecaster and that message was from a listener from Iran and we’d love to hear from anyone else who might like to share this message, ‘you are listening to Languagecaster’, especially with the World Cup coming up. In addition to this voice in Iranian, we have also had Japanese, German and Korean – well done if you managed to get the language stings right.

Don’t forget that there’s a transcript to this podcast and there’s lots of vocabulary support which you can access by coming along to our site – just click on the links in the transcript. We think it’s a great resource for those learning and teaching the language.

2022 World Cup Predictions Competition

2022 World CupOK, there are only two weeks until the start of the 2022 World Cup and here at Languagecaster we have our Predictions competition where you can guess the scores of all the matches from the Qatar tournament. It’s really easy to play – simply register (for free), choose your results and click on the save button here on our site at Languagecaster. You can, of course, change the scores right up to kick off time – just two weeks to go!


OK, that’s it for this very short football-language podcast in which we heard a Mexican fan offer some predictions for the upcoming World Cup. Sergio felt that the Netherlands would win the tournament – beating Brazil in the final, with Neymar finishing as top scorer. Let us know what you think will happen.

We’ll be back with some more language about the beautiful game very soon. Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast and to join in the football-language conversation on our forums. Enjoy all the football this week and we’ll talk to you again soon. Bye bye!

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Learn English Through Football Podcast
Damian Fitzpatrick

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