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Football Language: Fitness Test

Fitness testIn this post we look at the phrase ‘fitness test‘A  which is used when a player is returning from injury. If you have questions or comments about this or any other phrase then email us at:

Football Language: Fitness test

A fitness test is something that a footballer has to take before a game or a tournament to prove his or her physical ability to play in the game – the player has been injured and is hoping to return to the side. The reason for this kind of test is to let the manager – and the player – know that the player can take part in the game. The fitness test involves checking to see if an injury has returned or if the injury has affected the player’s ability to turn, sprint or jump – to play the game. Sometimes the coaching staff will wait until the last minute to test a player’s fitness as it may involve an important playerA  – the player will face a late fitness test. If the player cannot play we say that they have failed the fitness test and conversely if they pass the test it means they can play.

Example: Aston Villa captain Jack Grealish failed a late fitness test and did not play against Liverpool.

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Learn English Through Football Podcast
Damian Fitzpatrick

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