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Football Cliche: To be over the moon

Over the moon

Football, like life, is full of cliches and on today’s post we are going to be talking about a classic – one that everyone in the game knows about: To be over the moon. This and other phrases come with a transcript and separate audio file which can help with listening and reading practice as well as improve vocabulary building. They can be accessed by clicking here and you can also find a list of football language in alphabetical order by visiting our football glossary page here.If you have any suggestions or questions then you can contact us at

To be over the moon mp3

To be overjoyed; elated; very, very happy – especially after scoring or winning. This cliche is not as popular as it used to be in the 1970s when it seemed that every player mentioned it at least once when being interviewed. Nowadays players know that it is a cliche and so tend to avoid it. It is the opposite of sick as a parrot, which means to be gutted or very upset.


Football Language Glossary

Learn English Through Football Podcast
Learn English Through Football Podcast
Damian Fitzpatrick

Learn English Through Football Podcast: A show for football fans to improve their English language skills

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Further reading

Newspaper Headline: Christmas No 1

Newspaper Headlines: Christmas No 1

In this football language post we explain the newspaper headline, 'Christmas No 1' from the Independent newspaper about Liverpool being top