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Football Cliche: On Toast

Have a player on toastIn this football language post we explain the phrase ‘To have a player on toast‘ which is used to describe when one player is dominating another player. Don’t forget we have hundreds more explanations of football language in our football glossary and we also have a page full of football cliches. If you have questions or comments about this or any other phrase then email us at:

To have a player on toast

If a player is dominating another player in a game then we can say that they have the beating of their player or when they are really dominating them they have them on toast. So, for example, an attacking player who constantly beats the defender has that defender on toast. We can also say that a defender has an attacker on toast if they cannot get past them though a more commmon phrase for this would be to have the player in their pocket. To have a player on toast.

Example: The winger had the full back on toast – she skipped past her again and again.

Related vocabulary

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Learn English Through Football Podcast
Damian Fitzpatrick

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