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football language

Football Language: Routine Victory

In this football language post for learners of English we look at the football expression 'routine victory/routine win' which is used to...


Football Language: Rollercoaster

Rollercoaster: In this post we explain the phrase 'rollercoaster' when it is used in football after Manchester City coach Pep Guardiola...

Rainbow Laces

Football Language: Rainbow Laces

In this football language post we look at the phrase 'rainbow laces' which has been in the news over the past week thanks to the...

rusty goal

Football Language: Rusty

Rusty: In this football language post we explain some language connected to the restart of football in the Premier League and in particular...


Football Language: Release

In this football language post we explain how the word 'release' can be used in football. It is used with contracts and transfers and also...

football language

Football Language: The run in

The run in: In this post, we explain the football expression 'The run in', which is used frequently at the end of the football season.