Do the double: In this football language podcast we look back at a weekend full of cup finals across Europe and explain some...
In this football language post for learners of English we look at the expression 'points deduction' after the big story from Italy's Serie...
‘To drill’: In this football language post, we focus on one goal in the game between England and Northern Ireland at the...
In this post we explain the phrase 'deft touch' which is used in football to describe a piece of skill from a player.
This football language podcast looks at the language of football used to describe a goal kin the FA Cup Semi Final last weekend - to dwell...
This week sees the hosting of the World Cup Draw and so in this post we explain the expression 'World Cup Draw'
Dent their title hopes: This is used when a team loses a game which then affects their chances of winning the league...
On todaya€™s football language listening post we look at football phrases connected to the words clean and dirty.
Second debut: we take a look at the phrase 'second debut' and explain how we use it in football.
In this football language post we explain how the word 'dispatch' can be used in football.
Undefeated: We explain the football expression 'undefeated' which is used to describe when a team has avoided defeat for ...
5 questions about football derbies: There are many derbies being played around the world this weekend so we thought we'd look at rivalries...
In this football language post we explain the term 'clanger' which is used to describe a big mistake in football.
In this football language post we look at the phrase 'to be dropped' and how it is used in football.
This short post on the language of football explains the meaning of the phrase 'to draw a foul', which is a phrase connected with tackles...
In this football language audio post, we explain 'dropped ball'. If you have suggestions, questions or comments, email us at:...
In this post, we explain the football expression 'deadline-day signing' which is used to describe a player who has joined a new club
Draw Written All Over It: This phrase is used when predicting a result of a football match. If you say, 'This match has draw written all...
In football there are lots of words and phrases for when a player misses a scoring chance and one of these is to drag a shot wide.
For this week's English for football phrase, we have 'to defend too deep' - when might you hear this phrase?
Dismissal: What's the meaning of the noun 'dismissal' in football?
To be drawn against: What is the meaning of the phrase 'To be drawn against' in football? When is it used?
This post explains the phrase 'to down tools' - which can be heard often during the transfer window when a player is unhappy.
This post explains the football phrase 'Down to ten men' which is often used when a player has been injured or sent off.
This post explains deadlock the word 'deadlock'. What does this noun mean and when do we use it in football?
This post explains the word 'dive'. What does it mean and when when do we use it in football? It can be used as a verb or a noun...
Football Language:A Daisy Cutter The phrase daisy cutter is not heard as often in the modern game as it used to be, but is a wonderful way...
What's the meaning of the phrase 'dead rubber' in football?
What is the meaning of the phrase '(to) dig deep' in football?
This week's English for football phrase is 'drop points' and is used in football to describe when a team does not win all three points...
This week's English for football phrase is 'deflected'. This verb describes the action of making something change direction.
In reference to Steven Gerrard's last home game at Anfield, this week's football phrase is the cliche 'dying breed'