In this football language post we explain the football expression 'pick the ball out of the net' which is used to describe a goal being...
In this football language post we explain the football cliche, 'one game at a time' which is used to take the pressure off a team that is...
We explain the phrase 'To have a player on toast' which is used to describe when one player is dominating another player.
In this football language post we explain the football cliche 'one hand on the trophy'.
In this post we explain the football cliche 'put in the mixer' which is used to describe a long-ball game...
In this post, we explain the football expression 'bore draw' which is used to describe a not very exciting game of football.
In this post, we explain the footballA clichéA ‘Play Football the Right Way’. Find out more about this phrase by reading the...
The perfect hat-trick: What do we mean when we use the football expression 'the perfect hat-trick'?
One for the cameras: The meaning of the cliche 'one for the cameras' is when a keeper...
What's the meaning of the phrase 'to pepper the goal' in football?
What's the meaning of the phrase 'Prawn Sandwich Brigade' in football?
To play a blinder is a football cliche which means to play very, very well.
The cliche old school is a phrase that means traditional, typical, but also has a nuance which says that something is rare now. So, ...
For this week's weekly football phrase we explain the football cliche to put a shift in.
What is the meaning of the phrase 'to be out of the cup'? To be out of a cup competition' means a team is no longer involved or playing in...
Pipped at the post: This means to be beaten at the last moment; just before the end of the race or game. In football, we use this to talk...
Do you know what the phrase 'on paper' refers to in football? Listen to our weekly football phrase to find out.
When a plan goes wrong, is not successful, and it results in a disaster you can use the phrase 'go pear-shaped'
On this week's show we feature the phrase 'to pit against'.
Languagecaster weekly football phrase: Pull the trigger
This week's English football phrase is the expression to play to the whistle which basically means to keep playing until you hear the...
Football, like life, is full of cliches and on today's post we are going to be talking about a classic - one that everyone in the game...
Football, like life, is full of cliches and on today's post we are going to be talking about a classic - one that everyone in the game...
This week's English for football phrase is 'to park the bus'.
This week, introduces the English for football phrase 'to provide a spark'.