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ShowFootball Cliches

football language

Football Language: To be at it

In this football language post we explain the expression 'to be at it' which is used when a player or a team are playing really well.


Football Language: Rollercoaster

Rollercoaster: In this post we explain the phrase 'rollercoaster' when it is used in football after Manchester City coach Pep Guardiola...

Football language glossary

Football Cliche: Telegraph a pass

To telegraph the pass: In this football language post we explain the football cliche 'to telegraph a pass' which is used when describing a...

rusty goal

Football Language: Rusty

Rusty: In this football language post we explain some language connected to the restart of football in the Premier League and in particular...

have a player on toast

Football Cliche: On Toast

We explain the phrase 'To have a player on toast' which is used to describe when one player is dominating another player.