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2020 Predictions FA Cup Quarter finals

Learn English Through Football Team

Learn English Through Football

Damon Brewster

I was born and brought up near Chester in the north west of England. I have always loved playing and talking about sport, especially football. I’m a Liverpool fan, although now I have to watch most games late at night in Japan. I am an English teacher, teaching in Tokyo and at the weekend I manage to play a bit of Sunday league football.

Damian Fitzpatrick

I was born in London but grew up in Ireland and I am a Tottenham and Ireland fan. I have been playing, watching and talking about football since I was 5 years old so it kind of makes sense to do something like this. When I am not thinking about football I am teaching English and wondering what to do now I have finished a doctorate in education. Probably just watch more football.

Football Language Podcast


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Thank you

We would not be able to put together this website without the help of friends, colleagues and family members. So a big thank you to those who have written blogs and comments, patiently agreed to be interviewed, helped with translations (Translators: John, Hortensia, Zoe Thompson, Ana Luisa and Y Atsumi), given up their time for the site, proofread the transcripts, given suggestions or simply passed on the word about the site to others. Thank you indeed.