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2022 World Cup Language Podcast: Last 16 France v Poland – Coast Past

Today’s World Cup language podcast looks at the phrase, ‘coast past‘ which was used to describe the French victory against Poland in their last-16 match at the 2022 World Cup. You can read the transcript for this podcast below, while you can also check out our glossary of footballing phrases here and visit our site to access all our previous posts and podcasts. If you have any suggestions or questions then you can contact us at

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2022 World Cup Language Podcast: Last 16 France v Poland – Coast Past

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DF: Hello again everyone and welcome to – the football-language podcast for learners and teachers of English. I’m Damian and I’m in London and of course Damon, the other member of the Languagecaster team, is in Japan – I wonder if watching football in the middle of the night is having an effect on him! We continue with our look at some language from the last-16 knock-out matches and on today’s World Cup language podcast we explain the phrase ‘to coast past‘ which was used in a BBC report to describe the French victory over Poland.

Stinger: You are listening to (from a French fan)

…the World Cup holders coasted past Poland to reach the quarter-finals (, December 4 2022)
This is how the BBC reported on the French win against Poland in their last-16 match. The World Cup holders in the sentence obviously refers to France as they won the last World Cup in 2018 – and they easily defeated the Polish team to qualify for the quarter finals. How do we know that it was an easy victory? Well, the verb to coast means to take things easy – you might not have to work so hard to get something done quite successfully and this is what the French team did against their opponents – they won 3-1 with the Polish goal nothing more than a late consolation – a consolation goal. The word or particle ‘past’ adds a little more information to this idea of easily beating an opponent by suggesting that the winning team moves into the next round of a competition or tournament. I am not sure that we would use the phrase coast past in a regular league game. What do we think? So, France coasted past Poland to reach the last eight while the Polish side will go home.

Stinger: You are listening to (from a Polish fan)


Now, if you want to ask us any football-language questions or simply say hello during this World Cup then you can do so by adding a comment on our site here or by using our forum. You can also send us an email at and you can also look out for us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and thanks to everyone who’s been in contact over the tournament.

Stinger: You are listening to (from a Ghana fan).


DB: Yes, you are listening to languagecaster and that message was from a Ghanaian supporter. It would be great to hear from more people who might like to share the message, ‘you are listening to‘. Don’t forget there’s a transcript for this short podcast and there’s lots of vocabulary support which you can access by coming along to our site. We think it’s a great resource for those learning and teaching the language.

OK, that’s it for this very short podcast in which we looked at the phrase ‘to coast past‘. We’ll be back with more World Cup language tomorrow. Enjoy all the football and we’ll see you then. Bye bye!

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