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2022 World Cup Language Podcast Day 5: Scissor Kick – Brazil v Serbia

Day 5 of the 2022 World Cup and Brazil open their tournament with a win over Serbia and a wonder-goal from Richarlison. In this podcast we look at a description of his goal from an Eurosport report which used the word: ‘scissor kick‘. You can read the transcript for this podcast below, while you can also check out our glossary of footballing phrases here and visit our site to access all our previous posts and podcasts. If you have any suggestions or questions then you can contact us at

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2022 World Cup Language Podcast Day 5: Scissor Kick – Brazil v Serbia

DF: Hello again everyone and welcome to – the football-language podcast for learners and teachers of English. I’m Damon and I am in Tokyo where after Japan’s win, everyone is very excited about the World Cup. In this short podcast, we will be looking at some of the language used to describe the winning goal from Brazil striker, Richarlison, in their match against Serbia. A match they won 2-0. And we’ll use a report by

In our look at words and phrases from the 2022 Qatar World Cup, we have already looked at ‘totally outplayed‘ from day one. Day two was ‘game of two halves‘. We looked at the verb ‘to stun‘ after Saudi Arabia’s incredible win against Argentina. And from another surprise win, we looked at ‘thumping strike‘ on Day 4.

But for today, we focus on this description of A Richarlison’s second goal from the report.

Richarlisona€™s stunning scissor kick was hailed as a€˜the goal of the tournament so far,a€™ as Brazil began their FIFA World Cup campaign with an ultimately comfortable 2-0 win over Serbia.A It was the 25-year-olda€™s second goal of the night after breaking the deadlock with a tap-in (Eurosport, 2022)A 

Stinger: You are listening to (from Brazil)

Day 5: Scissor Kick – Brazil v Serbia

Brazil versus Serbia was a tight game, meaning that both teams found it difficult to create chances and score goals. In tight games, you often need a bit of magic to create an opportunity. The report hints that it has been a difficult game by using the word ‘deadlock‘. Deadlock is when neither side can score and chances are difficult to create. Of course the report says that Richarlison broke the deadlock, so he scored. His first goal was a tap in. So, it was a simple goal, an easy chance. AA tap in is usually a goal scored close to the goal and with no pressure on the attacker.

But his second goal wasn’t a simple goal, the report says it was aA stunning scissor kick. Stunning means amazing, unbelievable. And it was stunning because it was a scissor kick, which is a very acrobatic shot. First of all, he needed a cross, and Vinicius delivered a beautiful cross with the outside of his right foot. Richarlison controlled the ball and scissor kicked it as it dropped, finding the net and making it 2-0 to Brazil.

But, what is a scissor kick? Well, he jumped with his back to goal. As he turned his body and fell to the ground, he snapped his legs past each other – like closing some scissors – and he hit the ball with power.

A scissor kick is also called a bicycle kick or an overhead kick. The Serbian defenders could do nothing to stop the shot because the move was so quick and dynamic. It was like time stood still as we all watched Richarlison perform this stunning scissor kick. This goal has certainly lit up the tournament and it will be difficult to score a better one, which is why the report also wrote it was ‘the goal of the tournament so far’.


Remember that if you want to ask us any football-language questions or simply say hello during this World Cup, then you can do so by adding a comment on our site here or by using our forum. You can also send us an email at and you can also look out for us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And it’s not too late to join our predictions – just visit our site and follow the links.

Stinger: You are listening to (In Polish A )


DB: Yes, you are listening to languagecaster and that message was from a Polish supporter. OK, that’s it for this podcast – our fifth of the World Cup – apologies for the delay in getting this out. We looked at the phrases, ‘break the deadlock’, ‘tap in’, andA scissor kick‘.A We’ll be back with some more World Cup football language tomorrow. Enjoy all the football. Ta-ra!

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