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The 2015-16 Bundesliga kicks off this weekend and we feature two matches including champions Bayern Munich who take on Hamburg. We also have four games from the Premier League including Crystal Palace versus Arsenal and a Friday night game between Aston Villa and Manchester United. This week’s guest predictor is Mack from Japan. Let us know what your predictions are for these games by filling in the scores below – can you beat Damon and Damian in Week 2?
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2015-16 Languagecaster Predictions: Week 2 – Bundesliga Opening day
You have to be a registered user and logged in to play in this pool.
Latest Score: Damon 4 | Damian 10 | Guests 6
[TABLE=440]If you would like to join our predictions battle as a guest predictor, get in touch by leaving a comment. Check out these useful pages to practice the English needed to talk about guessing the score of football matches.