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Football Language Podcast

Football Glossary: Dead ball

Dead ball: A free kick, corner or penalty. A dead ball specialist is a player that is good at taking free kicks or corners

football language

Football Glossary: Cruyff turn

Cruyff turn: A piece of skill used to beat a defender by dragging the ball around him (started by Dutch legend Johann Cruyff)

Football Language Podcast

Football Glossary: Counter Attack

Counter attack: A style of playing football that allows a team to attack quickly. It occurs when a team breaks quickly from any part of the...

Football Language Podcast

Football Glossary: Corner

Football Glossary: Corner - A set play (set piece) that is taken from the corner of the pitch. It often results in an a

Football Language Podcast

Football Glossary: Copa América

Copa América: The South American tournament for international teams. The equivalent in Europe is The European Championship and in Africa...

football language

Football Glossary: Extra Time

Extra Time: Time added on to a cup or knock-out match that has finished in a draw to try to find a winner (usually thirty minutes)