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Weekly Football Phrase: To be in acres of space

Every week during the 2010-11 season, the languagecaster team explain a football phrase or cliché for learners of English who love the sport. We look at the football phrase ‘to be in acres of space‘ which refers to when players always have lots of room to play. Click on the link below to hear the word or phrase and you can also read the transcript below that. You can find many more examples by going to our football phrase page here football clichés here and our huge football glossary here.

Listen here: To be in acres of space | See the complete list here


This week’s English for football phrase is to be in ‘acres of space‘. An acre is a measure of land used commonly in the UK. It is approximately 4,000 square meters, nearly the size of a football pitch. If a player receives the ball with no opposing player near them, you can say they are ‘in space‘ – they have time to move, pass or shoot. If a player has the ball with a lot of space, you say they are in ‘acres of space‘. When this happens you usually expect the player to make a great pass or have a shot on goal. To be in acres of space.

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Check out our glossary of footballing phrases here and if you have any suggestions, contact us at

Learn English Through Football Podcast
Learn English Through Football Podcast
Damian Fitzpatrick

Learn English Through Football Podcast: A show for football fans to improve their English language skills

Welcome to the website that helps students interested in football improve their English language skills. Soccer fans can enhance these skills with lots of free language resources: a weekly podcast, football phrases, explanations of football vocabulary, football cliches, worksheets, quizzes and much more at

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  • Waht does “path” mean in this context? Also, what is the meaning of ” a long way back”?

    GOAL! What a goal this is! Lovren plays a delightful long pass from front to back into the path of Origi, who brings the ball down before sending the ball over Pickford. Once again, it is a ong way back for Everton.

    • To pass a ball into a team mate’s path means to give an accurate pass. The idea of a ball arriving into the path of a player suggests that the player receiving the ball does not have to break stride or change the way they are running in order to receive this pass.

Further reading

Newspaper Headline: Christmas No 1

Newspaper Headlines: Christmas No 1

In this football language post we explain the newspaper headline, 'Christmas No 1' from the Independent newspaper about Liverpool being top