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Weekly Football Phrase: The Transfer Window

transfer windowThis week, introduces the football phrase ‘transfer window‘. You can understand more about this phrase by reading the transcript below. You can also find many more examples of soccer vocabulary by going to our football cliches page here and our huge football glossary here.

Todaya€™s English for Football expression is ‘the transfer window‘, which is used to describe the two periods of the year when clubs are allowed to buy and sell players. The first of these two periods occurs before the European season starts (from July 1st to August 30th) and the second one takes place half way through the season in the month of January. Just before the end of the transfer window – the transfer deadline – sees quite a lot of transfer activity as clubs, players and agents start to panic in the knowledge that they will not be able to buy, sell or loan a player until the following transfer window. Transfer window.

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Further reading

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