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Learn English Through Football: Cliches

ClichesThis week’s Learn English Through Football podcast has a main report on cliches in football by Damian: as sick as a parrot, to run your socks off, a game of two halves, it only takes a second to score a goal, these are some of the cliches that feature. We also have our weekly football phrase. This week, it is the cliche ‘to share in the spoils‘. We also have games from Spain, England and Italy in our predictions section at the end of the show. And this week is the first ever week that Damon, Damian and our guest predictors scores are all the same – tied at 53 points each.

Learn English Through Football: Cliches

  • Listen only to the main report here – the transcript and vocabulary will help you understand key phrases and improve your language skills.
  • This week’s predictions feature big games from Spain, Italy, including the Milan derby, and the Premier League in England.
  • Check out our glossary of footballing phrases here, and come along to our site and leave comments and questions.

Listen to’s football podcast

Learn English Through Football
Hosted by

I was born and brought up near Chester in the north west of England. I have always loved playing and talking about sport, especially football!
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