(the) Beautiful game
This is a synonym for football but the phrase is also used to describe a pure style of football
Example: Brazil’s 1970 World Cup winning team played a style of football that epitomized the beautiful game.
This is a synonym for football but the phrase is also used to describe a pure style of football
Example: Brazil’s 1970 World Cup winning team played a style of football that epitomized the beautiful game.
bottle (courage), bottle it (avoid a tackle, lose a game because of lack of passion), lack bottle (not have courage) - soccer phrases from...
This week, languagecaster.com introduce the football cliche 'it's a funny old game'.
To register (a win): This expression means to accomplish or to attain and in football usually collocates with the words win or victory.
Dead man walking: This refers to a manager who everyone knows will soon be sacked; will soon be fired. He will soon lose his job.
This week, languagecaster.com digs into its archives and brings you the football phrase 'smash and grab'.
Cruyff turn: A piece of skill used to beat a defender by dragging the ball around him (started by Dutch legend Johann Cruyff)