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Football Cliche: Goals change games

This postA explainsA Goals change gamesthe clicheA ‘Goals change games’. What does it mean and whenA when do we use it in football?

  • Find out more about this phrase by reading the transcript below.
  • You can also find many more examples of soccer vocabulary by going to our football cliches page here and our huge football glossary here.

Goals change games

This cliche, goals change games, is up there with it’s a game of two halves and it’s not over until the final whistle, as one of those cliches that states something so obvious it doesn’t need to be said – as a cliche though, commentators and pundits can’t stop themselves from saying goals change games. Of course goals change games. It’s usually used when talking about imagining a situation when a goalA wasn’t scored, and talking about how the game would haveA been different. AnotherA situation you will hear this phrase is if a team scores just before half time – the inference being that this goal was more important than a goals cored at anotherA time.A 

  • Example:A Goals change games and if Arsenal hadn’t scored so early, Chelsea may have settled in the FA Cup final and gone on to win the game.

I was born and brought up near Chester in the north west of England. I have always loved playing and talking about sport, especially football!
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